Conant's teachers and cheerleading team perform the student-teacher routine, a homecoming tradition.
Social studies teacher David Wolf, counselor Austin Sobey, and English teacher Grace Gibbs (center) perform stunts with the Conant cheer team during the student-teacher dance.
Conant cheerleaders and teachers perform the annual student and teacher routine.
Kate Yamanishi, '24, (center) exhibits her flexibility during a cheer stunt.
The Conant cheer team during the pyramid portion of their routine.
Conant's cheer teams huddle together before the assembly.
The Conant Charrelles dance to the Space Jam theme song.
Emma Schultz, '24, (left) Uta Shimazu, '24, (center) and Ally Larosa, '24 (right) during the Charrelles performance.
JV Charrelles sideline season captain Marina Kostopoulos, '24, (center) smiles at the crowd.
The Conant Charrelles posing at the end of their homecoming routine.
Led by team captain Sean Ju, '23, (center), the boys' cross country team displays their third place trophy.
Varsity boys' soccer team captains Peter Cirbo, '23, (left) and Aarav Raina, '23, (right) hold up their champion trophy from the Barrington Classic Varsity Soccer Tournament.
Conant Theatre performs a preview of their fall musical "Anastasia".
Conant Theatre sings a song from their fall musical "Anastasia".
Conant's orchesis strikes a pose at the conclusion of their performance.
To celebrate Homecoming festivities, Conant held two assemblies on Sept 30, the last day before Homecoming. The morning assembly recognized all fall sports and featured performances from Conant Coed Cheerleading, Charrelles, Orchesis, and Theatre. Per Homecoming tradition, Conant teachers joined the mat with the cheer team for the annual student-teacher dance, Conant Theatre performed a preview of their fall musical “Anastasia,” and Charrelles featured a mashup of songs including the Space Jam theme song in homage to this year’s Homecoming theme.
Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors compete against each other in a flashlight roller coaster competition hosted by the Cougar Crazies.
Juniors with their flashlights ready to go for the rollercoaster competition.
The Senior class wins the flashlight rollercoaster competition.
Seniors try to toss beach balls across their section during the first game of the pep assembly.
Seniors Sean Ju (left), Gio Mazza (right) and Yazmeen Narang (bottom) cheer after the Senior class wins the beach ball tossing competition.
In a race to the finish line, Simi Patel, '24, rides the Junior class's rocket ship.
Juniors cheer for their peers as they try to score a final win.
The Freshmen class wins the Color Your Class with Streamers Race.
Seniors celebrate in the bleachers after winning the pep assembly competition.
Varsity and Junior Varsity Charrelles cheer during the pep assembly competitions.
Science teacher Martin Kulak and Cassius the Cougar during the pep assembly.
Conant drum major Trevor Filby, '23, conducts the marching band.
Kiya Willis, '24, (left) and Owen Bensi, '24, (right) playing trombone with Conant's marching band.
Jackson Caldwell, '23, (left) and Jacob Oh, '23, (right) playing the snare drums as they lead the marching band into the pep assembly.
The Conant Charrelles pump up the crowd before the pep assembly.
The afternoon pep assembly held a competition between the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes through a series of challenges and games. During the flashlight “rollercoaster” competition, class sections used their cell phones to create the best flashlight rollercoaster. Class sections also competed to see which grade level could pass beach balls through the bleachers the fastest. In the “Color Your Class” race, students competed to see which section could cover their bleachers with streamers first. Students also faced off in a table surfing competition, in which each grade level’s “rocketship” crossed the gym floor by surfing over rolling students. The Senior class emerged victorious as the winner of the Homecoming assembly competition.
Ella Saputra is the Editor-In-Chief of the Crier and a junior at Conant. This is her third year on the Crier staff. Outside of school, Ella enjoys playing violin and spending time with family and friends.
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