Civic Engagement Project is a new graduation requirement for seniors

The Senior Civic Engagement Project is replacing LCAP (Learning through Community Action Program) and requires seniors to find their own unique way to give back to the community and meet graduation requirements.
While LCAP was based more on checking off boxes and reflecting on them, the SCEP requires students to create and accomplish their own actionable plan. AP Macroeconomics teacher Jeffrey Stewart said, “The civic engagement project is about student choice and student voice.”
The SCEP is an updated and more engaging version of LCAP. It is based on the United Nations’ 17 sustainable world goals, which were created by leaders from all around the world; the UN’s main purpose is to work towards making all of them feasible.
Seniors across the district were asked to pick one of the “Global Goals” and to come up with an achievable plan that helps their community and raises awareness regarding their topic. Students will then submit their plans to their social studies teacher and continue to revise their ideas
Social studies departments are encouraging students to gain experience in civil service and to continue making the world around them a better place even after high school. “It’s a great example of what real life is. In your life, you’re gonna be faced with several things and you’re gonna try to live the best you can and help others in the process.”
Some seniors at Conant, that have established and organized their projects, are already working on their awareness and action plans.
“Linens N Love” is an organization that encourages hotels to donate old linens. Through a partnership with this organization, students are working to End Poverty (Goal 1). “Meatless Mondays” encourages students to go vegetarian on Mondays to reduce their carbon footprint, focusing on Climate Action (Goal 13).
The SCEP also lets students continue to work on their existing projects. Over the summer, Parveen Mundi, ‘21, created her project without knowing it. Her non profit advocated for amplifying the voices of people of color.
“I was able to keep maintaining my organization while also inadvertently completing the SCEP. I think the sCEP is very flexible because students can continue to work on their own projects or choose to do something completely different,” Mundi said.
The SCEP will be the permanent replacement for LCAP in hopes to promote positive impacts on the community. To students establishing the new future for civil engagement, Stewart offered a main point of advice, “Keep asking questions, of people around you, your friends, your classmates, that’s really what it [SCEP] is.”
For any further information or questions contact [email protected]. If you would like to feature your SCEP, please complete our “Suggest a Story” form linked in the main menu of our website
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