Friday the 13th: Crier staff’s spooky superstitions

Today is Friday the 13th, a day where people tend to avoid mirrors, ladders, black cats, and anything else that might bring bad luck. Although today makes most people extra wary of such superstitions, plenty of people apply superstitions to their daily lives. In honor of these paranoia-filled traditions, we asked the Crier staff to share their most interesting superstitions.
Anna Drone, ‘25, Writer: “I will never pick up a penny if it’s tails side up. Heads is okay, but picking one up with tails side up is bad luck.”
Miles Lazic, ‘26, Cartoonist: “The first has to do with red–always wear a red item, even if it’s a single string, in order to ward off evil. The second focuses elsewhere: don’t put your bag or purse on the floor or you’ll lose money. Though, according to my mom, the last one applies to whatever’s holding your wallet.”
Lukasz Walasinski, ‘25, Writer: “During hockey games when I was just starting out, I would never drink water because I thought it was bad luck.”
Mr. Gwizdala, Adviser: “When I microwave things, I hit the ’30-second’ button a bunch of times, and then I can’t let the timer get down to zero. I also can’t let it stop on an even number or a five. I don’t even want to think about what might happen if I take my food out on a five.”
Amelia Guisinger, ‘28, Writer: “Although strange, I have “lucky” pens or pencils. If I don’t use this specific writing tool on an important test or writing piece, it feels like I don’t do as well.”
Alexa Orlowski, ‘25, Editor in Chief: “Every time I take a test I take out my hi-polymer eraser. Even though I don’t use it, it makes me feel smarter.”
Mithraa Ilango, ‘26, Writer/Videographer: “Having a broken mirror in the house is bad luck.”
And last but not least, what I believe to be the scariest superstition of all:
Ms. Sall, Adviser: “Sometimes I still avoid stepping on sidewalk cracks because I think it will break my mother’s back.”
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