Conant updates safety procedures

This school year, Conant has updated the school’s safety protocols to increase security. These new protocols include a physical perimeter, social-emotional support, and wellness assessments.
There are now alarms on more doors to prevent students from inappropriately entering or exiting the school, though students are still encouraged to leave via any door during an emergency, like a hard lockdown or fire drill. The school has increased camera usage and is having students use their school IDs to scan into the building in the mornings.
Even simple changes can help make the school much safer. “Small changes like keeping our doors closed help keep our school secure,” Conant Principal Julie Nowak said.
Though students were annoyed at first by the changes, like scanning into the building, they also understand the necessity of implementing additional safety procedures.
Karan Kashyap, ‘23, said, “Despite the inconvenience of waiting a few minutes in line to enter the school, I feel that this is an essential safety precaution that must be taken considering the numerous tragic events that have taken place in many schools around the country recently.”
According to Nowak, though physical perimeters are essential to keep the school safe, protective measures like social workers and a welcoming school environment are also important. Nowak said, “A welcoming school community is crucial to keeping the school safe and making everyone feel like they belong.”
Students are encouraged to go to their team room if they see anything of concern at school.
“Students need to say something when they see something. Many students talk themselves out of reporting something suspicious,” Nowak said. “The safety of our students is our number one priority.”
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