Crier wants to know: what do you think of your new ID photo?

New portraits for Infinite Campus and school IDs were taken August 13 and 14, and IDs with updated portraits were distributed today, September 10. With a new photography company, the photos are different compared to previous years. Some people don’t seem to like theirs, saying that the lighting washes them out or that the angles are odd. To find about how students feel on the new style of photos, Crier asked Conant students what they thought of their new portraits. 

Amna Syeda ‘28

“I think that the quality is really bad, and I don’t look like myself. I feel like I look like AI, so, I don’t know what they did with it, but I’m not happy.”

Viha Jain ‘27

“I think the new pictures [are] really bad. I don’t know, I don’t feel like they’re an accurate representation of what we look like and I feel like the lighting is just really off this year.”

Bhadra BijuKumar Rejitha ‘26

“I think it got the wrong angle and it kind of got more shadow than it’s supposed to. I think if they had taken it from a better angle, according to, like, the heights of everybody, it would have improved the portraits. I know everybody says their photos have been whitewashed; personally I feel like, me and my other friends, our faces look a lot more dull.”

Sara Saiyed ‘25

“I’m not happy with my photo because it doesn’t really look like myself and my face is kind of tilted; I don’t know why they told me to make it tilted, so I just want it straight side up.”

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