Students should be allowed to wear hats in school

Due to the extremely cold weather this season, most students come to school dressed in warm attire, such as winter coats, jackets, gloves, and hats. In addition to fighting the cold, many students like to wear these kinds of clothing outside of school simply to be stylish.
The issue, however, is that students are not allowed to wear these types of clothes on school grounds. This dress code is nothing new at Conant. It has been drilled into students’ heads for years that certain types of clothing — especially hats — are simply not tolerated in schools.
The dress code is essentially a massive inconvenience to people who want to wear hats in school to look stylish or just for the fun of it. There is no good reason why hats and warm coats should not be allowed in schools. Conant’s official dress code policy states that a “student’s dress and grooming must not disrupt the educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency.” It further claims that “coats, jackets, blankets, caps, bandanas, ‘do-rags,’ and hats are inappropriate in an educational institution and threaten the educational process and compromise safety.”
The problem with the school’s policy is that it does not elaborate on just how wearing outdoor clothing inside is unsafe or “threatening” to students’ education. Nor does it describe how warm clothing like coats threatens the safety of Conant students. Staff should be less concerned about policing mere hats and jackets and more concerned about policing clothing that is actually vulgar or offensive.
A common justification for banning hats and coats is that hats could be used as gang signs and should therefore not be allowed. Even if this is the case, just about anything could be used as a gang sign, including a certain color of clothing, or wearing clothing in certain ways. As for the argument that students could use coats to carry weapons or other dangerous items, this can already be accomplished by a standard backpack, sports bag, or lunchbox.
It is completely reasonable to expect students to remove their hats during assemblies, performances, and the morning pledge. Students who casually wear jackets and hats in class, however, mean no harm or disrespect to anyone, and thus shouldn’t have to take their hats and jackets off. They simply enjoy the way they look in their clothing, or they wear warm clothes to feel more comfortable in the unusually cold classrooms at Conant. There shouldn’t be any rule against students trying to warm up or express themselves through the way they dress.
Many teachers already do not enforce the no-hat policy, and even more students wear hats when no supervisors are looking (i.e., in the hall, bathrooms, or locker rooms). This begs the question: what is the point of keeping the no-hat policy if numerous students are already breaking it?
If students want to wear hats and coats in school, they should be allowed to. They aren’t hurting anyone by doing so — they are merely expressing themselves. Hats and coats can be worn in just about every other public setting, so why should a setting like a school be any different? During this unusually cold winter weather, it is better to let students wear what they want instead of banning hats and coats that pose no inherent threat to safety or to positive learning environments.
hey i really like what you have typed here and was thinking it could really help out my school with getting hats unbanned. I was wondering if i could use some of it of course with credit to you.
I like what you said about students who wear hats not meaning to disrespect anyone. My son has been telling me about how he wants to wear a hat to school. I’ll share this information with his school’s administration for their consideration.
I get that students want to express themselves and they do not mean to disrespect anyone. Not wearing hats may seem silly and fruitless to some, but isn’t it also reasonable to acknowledge that some people are raised with a different culture or even in a different time. Honestly, I don’t know why it bothers me, but it does. I know the students don’t mean to be disrespectful, but it still feels disrespectful. If you knowingly do something when you know it bothers someone, isn’t that a sign of disrespect?
Telling someone to take off something just because you don’t like it would be a sign of disrespect too.
yes that’s appositely right.
We love the UK, but the scools are shocking unreasonable. How unreasonable it is for students not to be able to wear normal or neutral winterhats in yhe middlenof the winter?
And then they complain when they get sick and stays at home?
If UK schools FOCUSED more on how to take care of childten instead of being OFFENDED all the time, they would have less sick children.
UK School Childten NEEDS a hero to make changes. Poor kids.
We should all be allowed to wear hats in school because it expresses our personality as a human.
it’s all so true. good job with the research
Schools will never agree. The only way to pursue this is either legally, or with a unanimous population.
Let’s start a legal petition…..
let’s hats allowed in school kids need hats, because hats help kids eyes from the sun.
We need it
I wish schools would allow hats. These are all good reasons, plus when schools make students go outside for gym or events without hats, they can get sunburn on their heads. Teachers are allowed hats at my school as well, so if hats are supposedly a “danger to schools” then teachers should not be wearing them either. I hope someday schools get rid of this rule and instead focus on things like students getting into fights more instead of non-offensive clothing like hats.
i think that to. i mean i’m not trying to be rode to teachers that allow hats in school but if teachers can wear hats then why not students. if teachers “and not just teachers, I mean all the staff, ext” payed more attention to bullying and fites ext. then students would be more happy to go to school
I’m not sure if the author will even see this, as its been 2 years. But I have some questions I would like to ask about this topic. If the author sees this please contact me.
I got my hat taken away at [a different] school last week and when I picked it up, there was a note with it that said that I had been warned 16+ times when I was really only told twice. It also said in the note that If I had a hat on campus whether I was wearing it or not, I would be sent to ISS (In-School Suspension) I am now done with this, and I am creating a petition with my friends against this. The questions I have are (Are you a student or administrator? student/administrator), (Do you think hats should be allowed at school? yes/no), (why are for or against it? typed answer) I am doing research and will send this to everyone in my school system. Wish me luck. Any advice is welcome.
I see under a lot of opposing articles that it is because of “identification reasons” but as a student that wears almost the exact same outfit everyday and is well recognized by most staff it shouldn’t be a problem for me to wear a hat. If they’re so concerned about scanning my face I have no problem lifting my hat slightly but it’s ridiculous. Instead of enforcing a dress code to prevent concealing weapons and/or drugs, they should work more on equipment and better ways to inspect or identify a threat rather than a students way of expression to themselves and others around them.
I agree with the argument about students being allowed to wear hats in school because I am now in middle school and i don’t wear my hat to school anymore because I am not allowed to walk in the school with a hat on my head.
I did some research on this and it said in corridors/hallways it isn’t disrespectful to wear a hat so… yeah also why would they want to see my face when I’m the only person in the school that has a sweater I almost always wear (it’s from staples and that doesn’t exist in Canada)
we need hats for life
hats should be alowed in schol
ya that was great I am going to make my own in a few days