Half a century of Conant and Disney: a timeline
50 years of Conant and 50 years of Disney: see how the history has correlated over the years
1923– James Bryant Conant, our school’s namesake, celebrates his 30th birthday.
The Walt Disney company is founded.
1933– James B. Conant is instated as president of Harvard University.
Walt Disney receives an award for his creation of Mickey Mouse from Parents magazine.
1964– Conant High School is founded.
Epcot concept designs for Disney World begin.
The Conant Crier debuts in October.
The movie Mary Poppins is released.
1968– First class to complete its full four years at Conant High School graduates.
The “It’s a Small World” ride debuts at the New York World’s fair.

Each year, hundreds of Cougars graduate. This year is extra special because it is our fiftieth anniversary!
1974– Conant student Mary Ann Johnson wins State championship for shot put.
Magic Kingdom attendance breaks a record (74,597 visitors) and front gates are forced to close for hours.
1975– Eventual Conant science teacher Bob Borczak graduates from Conant High School.
The “Space Mountain” attraction opens in Magic Kingdom.
1981– Conant student Melody Zachalow is named Daily Herald athlete of the year.
The Fox And The Hound was released.
1982– Future Conant science teacher John Shoro graduates from Conant High School.
Tron is released.
1985– Future Conant P.E. teacher John Powers graduates from Conant High School.
Pinocchio was released as a home video.
1986– Future social studies teacher Eric Jacobsen graduates from Conant High School.
Walt Disney Productions changes its name to The Walt Disney Company
1989– Conant’s drama club performs The Mousetrap for its fall show.
The Little Mermaid movie is released.
1990– Don Proffit places school record 400 m dash (48.9 sec).
Disney Adventure Magazine is released
1991– The Conant Crier reports on the successes of the speech team
Beauty and The Beast is released.
1994– Future world language teacher Tony Spizzirri graduates from Conant High School, and eventual math teacher Aimee Barkalow graduates from Conant High School as valedictorian
Disney releases The Lion King and The Jungle Book
1995– Future special education teacher and assistant principal Mike Plaza graduates from Conant High School.
Pocahontas and Toy Story are released.
1996– US Department of Education recognizes Conant as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.
Live-action 101 Dalmatians, starring Glenn Close, is released
1999– Girls bowling team wins conference championship.
Tarzan is released
2001– Future math teacher Jeff Melone graduates from Conant High School.
Conant students raise money for the Red Cross after the terrorist attacks of September 11
Monsters, Inc. is released.
2006– Future librarian assistant Monica Fumarolo graduates from Conant High School.
Highest percentage of Conant students in the school’s history earn a three or higher on AP tests.
Dancing with the Cougar Stars begins.
Disney buys Pixar.
2008– Miss C. & Miss A. Schweinebraten graduate from Conant.
Atrium was completed.
High School Musical 3 was released.
2009– Conant students are given heightened hygiene lectures as they attempt to avoid H1N1 (Swine Flu).
Disney buys Marvel.
2010– Boys lacrosse team are cup champions.
Tangled is released.
2011– Girls soccer team wins third place at State.
The show Hannah Montana ended after four seasons.
2012– Conant ranks as #1 school in district, and #35 in state, according to US News and World Report.
Brave is released by Disney-Pixar.
2013– Conant cheer becomes state champion.
Frozen is released.
2014– Conant celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Tokyo Disney celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Conant High School initiates its 1-to-1 iPad initiative for every student. Maleficent is released.
The Conant Crier goes completely digital for the first time ever.
Disney World is expected to expand Downtown Disney and add Frozen characters to the park.
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