Enjoying spring break, pandemic-style

Crier writer Isha Patel breaks down different COVID-friendly ways to enjoy spring break.
Spring break is almost here! But how are we supposed to have fun if the pandemic stops us from doing everything we would normally do? Because of COVID, it seems as though there is literally nothing to do (except sleeping in, of course). Fret not, there are so many other options for you to enjoy your spring break!
The Four-Course Meal Challenge
Baking is fun, but why not try something else? The Four-Course Meal Challenge is a trend on TikTok, which most of you have probably seen. Gather your friends or family (safely) and play a game of rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins first picks drinks, second winner picks appetizers, third winner picks dinner, and the fourth winner picks dessert. It’s a win-win: enjoying your favorite foods and having a good time!
Game or Movie Night
Invite your friends and family to join along with buying your favorite snacks and play some games. Make it interesting: have the loser do a dare given by the winner. If you’re still feeling energetic, pull an all-nighter and pick out a series of movies that you can binge watch until the sun comes up.
Take a Virtual Trip
Although you might not be able to go on vacation or a road trip, you can still go places… virtually. Consider a field trip to a history museum, an escape room, an art museum, worldwide landmarks, a planetarium, and even space! Simply search up anywhere you want to visit and join virtual tours.
Bring your friends or family to Chicago to stay at a hotel for the night. During the daytime, you can grab some lunch and have a picnic at Maggie Daley Park! At night, you can explore the city, have a nice dinner, and save some room for dessert at Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate shop.
Have a Self-Care day
Take some time for yourself. Focus on you by putting a face mask, journaling, sleeping in, and planning out the rest of the week. Reflect over the year. Remote learning has brought a lot of challenges to everyone, and you should be proud of yourself for coming this far. Congratulate yourself by baking some cookies or lighting a candle and meditating for a while.
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