From Sriracha to Tabasco: A spicy hot sauce review
Hot Sauce is an all powerful god. It has stood eons in multiverse and has blessed us mortals with its tangy sweetness. But not all hot sauces are created equal. When the great hot sauce goddess birthed the children of its flame, it made many different types and flavors of hot sauce. Here are just some ranked to start you on your hot sauce pilgrimage.

Frank’s Hot Red
This is a good starter hot sauce since it has a moderate flavor and great versatility. In my opinion, this sauce goes well with anything: cucumbers, carrots, apples, sandwiches, salads and the list goes on! Frank’s Red Hot was one of the first hot sauces I tried, and I feel as though it has just the right amount of spiciness to add a little extra flavor to your food. The sauce gets a Medium on my scale of Spicy Hotness.
This sauce is the most basic, low level sauce around. This sauce is a really good starter for people who can’t handle spice but want to add extra flavor to their food and gradually build their spice tolerance. I would recommend for this to be used on sandwiches and salads; Sriracha works best when it is mixed with other condiments and flavors. This sauce earns the level of Basic on my scale.
The End
The End is by far the hottest hot sauce I have ever tried. I don’t recommend this hot sauce to anybody who is just starting to use hot sauce; it is definitely for those who are well adjusted to spicy food. I use this in sparingly either mixed with Franks Red Hot or just on its own, only adding one or two drops. The End tastes best on rough meat, such as steak and pork. I give this sauce a very Hard on my scale because of the fact that it’s the hottest hot sauce I have in my collection.
This is a common hot sauce but isn’t as widely used as Sriracha. This sauce is best used on chips and meat but not vegetables and fruit. I believe this sauce has dryer taste that works with more savory foods. This sauce is one step up from Sriracha; the heat is enough to make you cough if you’re not accustomed to it. The sauce is on the lower range of Hard on my Spicy Hotness Scale.
This sauce is a perfect way to end this list because it’s a very central type of sauce. It’s not good on a salad or apples. It’s unique chunkiness makes it a perfect sauce for chips and sandwiches. The sauce beats out Sriracha by being a tad spicer and less known. The sauce gets an Easy on my scale because the chunks of spice distribute the flavor a bit more.
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