Conant varsity speech starts season at Fremd

Conant’s Varsity Speech Team is kicking off their season today with a competition at Fremd High School, following the JV and Novice Teams competition at Wheeling High School on Nov. 3.
Speech Team Head Coach Vera Bass said, “I’m very optimistic about this speech season. We have a seasoned group of Varsity members that all advanced to Sectionals last year. Our JV members are really stepping up to show what they can do, and we have a large group of Novices that are really excited about the season after competing last week.”
Speech Team Co-President, Sachi Goel, ’19, competes primarily in Radio Speaking and has competed in Humorous Duet Acting and Dramatic Duet Acting in the past. She said, “Since it is our first tournament back, I don’t have any lofty expectations. However, I do know that we have an incredibly talented group of individuals on our team, and I see us achieving great things throughout the season.”
Bass said, “We have a great group of seniors this year. This group of students make a combined talent that we haven’t had in a while… As long as they continue to work hard, we believe that each one is headed for Sectionals and hopefully on to State.”
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