10 love songs to listen to on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so it’s only right to recommend some romantic tunes to listen to. Whether you are alone or with someone on Valentine’s Day, these ten songs will get you in a romantic mood. To be honest, these are songs you can listen to all year round! Quick disclaimer: this isn’t going to be ranked in any order- these are just ten love songs that I enjoy and want to recommend.
1. “Crush Culture” by Conan Gray
This song goes out to all you single people out there. Conan talks about how he hates constantly hearing people talk about who they are with or who they kissed. It just ends up making him feel much more miserable especially since he’s single. Conan further explains his song on the Genius website as well as in an interview. “The bridge is the part where I’m fully fed up, like, I fully just want to be out of the situation. I hate when I can, like, overhear people talking about it super loud…. I don’t really care who you kissed.” This song is just relatable and Conan Grey’s voice is very beautiful in this song.
2. “Moodna, Once With Grace” by Gus Dapperton
This song is not only groovy and chill but Gus’s voice here is so lovely. Gus talks about his first love, Eliza, and portrays the cycle of a relationship beautifully. The pain of breaking up with your first love and how it’s so hard to let go because they were the first. “Woah, where I lay, I’ll wake for you/Woah, stuck and stray, I’ll wait for you/Oh no (Woah)/I might, girl, I may/Love (Woah)/If you hold my hand with grace” (“Moodna, Once With Grace”, Gus Dapperton). After just one listen, you are able to feel the heartbreak.
3. “Mystery of Love” by Sufjan Stevens

I love “Mystery of Love” so much! It has to be my favorite song in this list. It’s just so delicate even though it’s quite sad. This song also talks about the beginning and end of a relationship. Sufjan Stevens constantly talks about how unexpected love can be. This song also makes many references to “Call Me By Your Name”, a coming of age romantic drama movie and book. It explores the story of a boy falling in love with another man. Not only do the lyrics fit this book, but the aesthetic of the film as well. As a result, the lyrics are very poetic because of the many metaphors and allusions that are tied to the film.
4. “We Fell In Love in October” by Girl in Red
“We Fell In Love in October” is such a nice indie song and I admire it. I added this song to this list not only because it’s charming and relaxing but to show that it’s not just about two girls but two humans loving each other. Girl in Red is such a good singer and is not afraid to say that she loves someone. The melody is calming and the lyrics are so pretty. “We fell in love in October/ That’s why, I love fall/ Looking at the stars/ Admiring from afar/ My girl, my girl, my girl/ You will be my girl” (“We fell in love in October”, Girl in Red).
5. “Art Class” by Beabadoobee
“Art Class” is so cute. It follows a narrator having a crush on someone in their Art Class. They desperately want to be noticed but are afraid of what might happen if they confess. I can relate to this song and I bet many others can too. Not only does Beabadoobee talk about what having a crush feels but she sings about the struggles that come with it. It’s an experience everyone has once in their life and she portrayed it so well. “’Cause you’re my cru- cru- crush/ And I like you very much/ And I’d appreciate/ If you’d like me back/ But it’s okay, ’cause you make my heart/ In art class/ In art class” (“Art Class”, Beabadoobee).
6. “Lovesong” by The Cure
“Lovesong” is a classic rock song by such a classic band with an amazing 80s and 90s vibe and I constantly jam out to this song. “Lovesong” is mainly about loving someone no matter what and the emotions that come with love. “Whenever I’m alone with you/ You make me feel like I am young again/ Whenever I’m alone with you/ You make me feel like I am fun again/ However far away/ I will always love you/ However long I stay/ I will always love you” (“Lovesong”, The Cure).
7. “I THINK” by Tyler The Creator
Tyler The Creator is one of my favorite rappers, and this song shows how great he is at portraying different themes throughout his music. I absolutely love his voice, too; it’s so unique. His voice wavers between singing and speaking which fits so well with his style of music.“I THINK” is all about developing feelings for someone and falling in love. “I think I’ve fallen in love (Skate)/This time I think it’s for real (Four, skate)/ I think I’ve fallen in love (Four, skate)/ This time I think it’s for real (Four)/ How can I tell you? (Skate) How can I tell you? (Four)” (“I THINK”, Tyler the Creator).
8. “Kiss From A Rose” by Seal
“Kiss From A Rose” is such an elegant ballad. It surprised me when Seal said he was embarrassed about releasing this song. It’s truly poetic and just beautiful. The lyrics seem so personal and the emotions between each line stays with you. Seal’s voice is just nothing you hear everyday. All of his songs are truly his. In this song, Seal talks about how his lover shines bright in his eyes. They are his light. “Baby, I compare you to a kiss/ from a rose on the grey/ Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah/ And now that your rose is in bloom/ A light hits the gloom in the grey” (“Kiss from A Rose”, Seal).
9. “Ace” by Taemin
As a casual K-pop fan, I had to add one song by Taemin. Taemin is a pretty popular soloist in k-pop. Some even call him the “King of K-pop”! I truly believe that. “Ace” is a pretty sensual song. Even without fully understanding the lyrics, you can feel the sexiness and seductiveness in “Ace” and most of his other songs as well. I personally love this song because of that vibe. It’s alluring and makes you wanna move. “Ace” talks about wanting to be the only one in your lover’s eyes. “Make me feel brand new/ After I met you, yoo hoo/ Baby it’s you yeah/ My heart will never change/ Believe in my heart, please believe in me/ I’mma falling in love yeah/ I want to be your only ace” (“Ace”, Taemin).

10. “H20” by Lay
I’ve never really listened to Chinese pop/r&b but this song really stood out to me when I stumbled upon it. “H20” is such a genius song. Lay, a Chinese rapper, managed to combine traditional chinese instrumentals with nice modern type beats which made me love the song. It’s so refreshing and emotional and his rapping and smooth vocals fit so well. I’m also a sucker for nice orchestral instrumentals. This song style is pretty similar to Taemin in that it has a pretty sensual vibe. In this song, Lay is like water as he always flows towards his lover.
Overall, all these songs are very enjoyable. This list is pretty diverse in music genres and styles, so there is bound to be something you like. Well, I hope this list gives you some new artists and songs to listen to!
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