Teacher Spotlight: John Powers

Courtesy of Mr. Powers

When you hear the word “Powers”, your mind would first point to superhero powers like super strength or super speed. Or, it may think of the ideological definition, the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events, as Google says. But, some may think of John Powers, one of Conant’s wellness teachers. Today, the Crier Staff gets the chance to talk to him.

1. How many years have you been teaching? 

Powers: Finishing up year 32

2. Tell me about how you became a PE teacher.

Powers: I’ve been an athlete all my life and combined that passion with my education to become a PE teacher.

3. Did you do something else before becoming a PE teacher? 

Powers: I was the CHS Building sub for three years before being hired to teach

4. Do you coach any extracurriculars? 

Powers: Head Boys Cross Country coach (23 years) and Head Boys Track and Field coach (18 years)

5. What is your favorite part of your time at Conant? 

Powers: I very much enjoy the community the Wellness Department has as a group. And I’ve always enjoyed interacting with all the kids over the years.

6. What are your hobbies and interests outside of school? 

Powers: I enjoy spending time with my family, my wife and I have six kids, and working out and competing at CrossFit.

7. Any last words you would say to others?

Powers: Try to enjoy the moment and take care of yourself. 

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