Joe Schlender’s Cupcakes for a Cause: Success
Cupcakes of all kinds. Cupcakes galore, as far as the eye can see. On Saturday, May 16, Conant held its third Cupcakes for a Cause event. This was the first year that it was...
Cupcakes of all kinds. Cupcakes galore, as far as the eye can see. On Saturday, May 16, Conant held its third Cupcakes for a Cause event. This was the first year that it was...
Graphic by: Valeria Vesco Disney is the mastermind of masterminds. This incredible company has created movies of timeless tales of princesses, heroes, and heroes to be. Kids and adults alike spend hours upon hours...
For generations of Americans, the word “college” was more or less a synonym for success. We had only to go. We had only to graduate. And if we did, according to parents, high-school guidance...
In today’s society, we model our ideals of beauty off of what we see on MTV and the cover of People magazine. Young, impressionable girls crave to look just like Ariana Grande by mirroring...
Are We Too Politically Correct? Face Off Debate between Aditi Katwala and Annika Layfatis Graphic Credit: Valeria Vesco Spoken Mind over a Held Tongue By Aditi Katwala Position: We as a society are too...
Mulan. The 1998 Disney movie portraying the story of a Chinese woman who enters the army disguised as a man in order to take the place of her father is back. Disney recently bought a script for...
The girls varsity water polo team has gotten off to one of the best starts in Conant history with a record of 18-0, including 7-0 in the MSL West division. Although their season isn’t complete, they’ve continued...
The fifth annual Conant Health and Safety Fair took place during lunch periods in the atrium on Friday, April 10. The fair involved participation from dozens of groups and organizations, all committed to improving the...
Boiling it Down: On Tuesday, March 6, and then again a few weeks later, Conant freshmen and other select students took a new standardized test called PARCC, or Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College...
A new organization known as the South Asian Students Association (SASA) has been started by freshmen Nikita Lakshminarayan and Deepika Ramchandani. The purpose of this club is to provide awareness of the different South Asian ethnologies...
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