Photo Poll: What do you think of the cougar roar bell?
This week, we’re asking students and staff about the cougar roar that was used for the one-minute bell Tuesday and Wednesday.

Isaiah Javon Allen
Isaiah Javon Allen, ’22
What is your opinion of the different bell tones?
“I think the cougar roar is unnecessary. It’s kind of irritating in the morning. You know, usually a lot of students are tired, and nobody wants to hear that stuff. The tone [the actual bell] sounds a little different, but nobody really cares about that, I think. Mainly the cougar roar, that’s all.”
What was your reaction when you first heard the cougar bell?
“Why. Simply why. It’s like I said, it’s unnecessary. I don’t know why they have to go to the extra limits. It’s extra.”

Shivani Vyas
Shivani Vyas, ’21
What is your opinion of the different bell tones?
“I think they are a little odd. I like the old bell better.”
If you could pick any sound for a bell tone, what would you choose?
“We had a conversation in our English class about this, and we were thinking music, and then at the minute bell, like instead of a bell the music would just stop playing, and then people would know that there’s a minute left until class.”

Chloe Thonus
Chloe Thonus, ’20
What is your opinion of the different bell tones?
“I do not like the cougar one. I would prefer it to stay as a regular one instead of the cougar growl. That scares me quite a bit, actually.”
What was your reaction when you first heard the cougar bell?
“I jumped a little bit. I was in APUSH, and it kind of scared me quite a lot. Did it change back today? I was more kind of used to that [one], so I didn’t notice right away. I guess I just feel the regular bell is much better than the cougar bell.”

Jake Lydon
Jake Lydon, ’19
What is your opinion of the different bell tones?
“I don’t like them whatsoever. I think they’re super obnoxious. I mean I don’t know what the objective of them originally was.”
If you could pick any sound for a bell tone, what would you choose?
“Honestly, no. Because like…. I mean I’ve only been here for a year, but everyone else has been here longer, and it’s just so like ‘oh everyone knows what it is so why change it?’ Like when it first happened, nobody knew what it was, and people still don’t really know what it is.”
Student Supervisor Paulette Pupillo (Ms. Kay)

Paulette Pupillo (Ms. Kay)
What is your opinion of the different bell tones?
“I do appreciate the bell better than the roar. It was so annoying to me, and it scared the heck out of me in the beginning. And every so often, I would jump.”
If you could pick any sound for a bell tone, what would you choose?
“Any way to get your attention, whether it’s ending the period or the beginning of the period, to let the kids be aware. But I don’t think there really is a big difference of what they actually would choose as long as it’s for them to know when the bell actually rings.”
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