The Crier Inquires: Do vaping lessons in PRIDE have an impact?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning to teenagers and other vape consumers to stop buying e-cigarette products, and to stop modifying devices to vape dangerous substances on August 30. Federal health officials say the rate of vaping among teenagers continues to rise despite health campaigns.
Over the past week, freshmen students were taught about the dangers of vaping in their PRIDE classes. As the vaping epidemic continues, Crier asked PRIDE students, mentors, and teachers: Do the vaping lessons in PRIDE have an impact?

Shiv Prasad, ’23
“The lessons are informative and good but I don’t think people don’t really pay attention. The lessons aren’t really necessary because people already know that vaping is bad for you. The real problem is that people who already know about the consequences keep vaping.”

Sallaria Ansong, ’23
“I think the lessons are good but also very repetitive. And they keep telling us things we already know.”

Anmay Gupta, ’23
“The lesson probably had an impact on a lot of people. I think the message was important.”

Hannah Huynh, ’21, PRIDE mentor
“[The PRIDE lesson] was good because people find [vaping] prominent in teens’ lives right now, and it’s very relevant. People also learned things that they didn’t know before.”

Shayna Adelman, PRIDE teacher
“I think overall it went well. I think students recognized that it was a relevant issue. I hope students walked away with a greater understanding of the issue.”
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