Locking Down on Lockdown Rules
Recently, Conant High School had a hard lockdown drill. Many students decided not to take it seriously. Why? Our school has drills to ensure the safety of all the students in case of a real...
Recently, Conant High School had a hard lockdown drill. Many students decided not to take it seriously. Why? Our school has drills to ensure the safety of all the students in case of a real...
Making fun of people diagnosed with cancer is obviously wrong. That’s not an action we question. Individually we know that’s socially and morally unacceptable. More recently, making fun of even the Ebola virus has been established...
Imagine yourself in Alex Lee’s shoes. You’re a regular teen, working minimum wage at Target. The next morning, you wake up to your picture being blown up all over the Internet. Alex from Target...
What would you pick? Getting a good grade in an easier class or getting a mediocre grade in a more challenging one? Face-Off Debate between Sruthi Gurudev and Shreenath Patel. The Struggle of...
Social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social phobia are just some of the many infirmities that students may suffer from. Many people, including teachers and fellow students, don’t understand the everyday burden these disorders...
This is the question on many people’s minds in response to the now-infamous YouTuber, Sam Pepper, posting a video in which he “pranked” random women on the street. In the video, he distracted various girls by asking for directions...
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