Category: Features

New Teacher Profile: Sara Wojtasik

The Crier is conducting interviews to get to know the new teachers at Conant. This week, we’re featuring English teacher Sara Wojtasik.     Crier: What is your favorite thing about teaching at Conant?...

How Cake Day came to be

Homecoming, prom, and football games are traditions that Conant shares with many other high schools. But not every school celebrates Cake Day–a Conant tradition held annually on the Monday during the week of Pi...

New Teacher Profile: Kevin Garvey

The Crier is conducting interviews to get to know the new teachers at Conant. This week, the Crier is featuring social studies teacher Kevin Garvey. Crier: What classes do you teach? Garvey: I teach...

New Teacher Profile: Krystal Coleman

The Crier is conducting interviews to get to know the new teachers at Conant. This week, the Crier is featuring PE teacher Krystal Coleman. Crier: What classes do you teach? Coleman: [I teach] girl’s...