Category: Features

The Hijab is a way of life

Soft silks, cotton delicates or jersey knits caress a Muslim woman’s hands as she wraps them around her head, creating stylistic hijabs. She styles it with twinkling pins, elegant necklaces and perky bows. A...

Are toddler toys gender-biased?

Image credit: Eleanor Park People think nothing when they see a young boy playing with a truck, or a little girl holding a doll. But would anyone think twice about a girl playing with a truck...

Are righties given the upper hand?

Image credit: Mauli Patel Imagine being left-handed and sitting in math class with the teacher speeding through notes. You scribble them down as fast as you can. However, graphite accumulates on your hand and smears...

The changing face of Feminism

                       “Other people call me a rebel, but I just feel like I’m living my life and doing what I want to do. Sometimes people call that rebellion…especially when you’re a woman.” -Joan Jett...

Ebola: Erasing the Myths

The Ebola Frenzy We’ve all heard kids joking around about having Ebola or spreading Ebola after someone had the flu, or was home sick, or even just sneezed. But is it really right to...